Unipd first Italian university among the best according to Censis ranking
Once again this year the University of Padua is on the podium of universities in Italy for the Censis rankingthe tool used to assess the performance of the Italian university system. Since 2009, the year in which Padua was first in the hit list of Italian universities, it has firmly maintained its position among the best in our country, taking second or third place in the ranking.
The results for 2024 continue to testify to the excellence of the University of Padua in the national context in several areas, among which the Communication and Digital Services area stands out with a score of 107, followed by Internationalisation and Employability with 91 points, Scholarships provided with 88 points, Facilities with 84 and Services with a score of 76. The average is 89.5, which puts the university at the top of the ranking, followed by Bologna with 87.5 and Roma La Sapienza with 84.3.
This result was achieved thanks to the teaching and training offer, the facilities and services provided by the University of Padua: with its over 74,000 enrolled studentsof which approximately 24,000 were freshmen last year, Padua is included in the Censis criteria in the category of ‘mega atenei statali’ (state-run mega universities, those with over 40,000 members), with 207 courses covering all subject areas (93 bachelor’s degree courses, 14 single-cycle degree courses and 100 master’s degree courses) , 60 active English language study coursesincluding 8 three-year and single-cycle degree courses and 52 master’s degree courses attended by around 80% of foreign students enrolled at the university.
‘I am happy and above all proud of the result achieved in the CENSIS ranking,’ says Rector Daniela Mapelli -.
This success is the result of the competent and passionate work, although not always easy, of all the people who make up the University of Padua community.
The CENSIS ranking certifies the high quality standards guaranteed by our university.
I am referring to a highly innovative educational offering that is also constantly updated on the basis of the needs of a rapidly evolving productive world and society, as demonstrated by the high employability rates of graduates from the University of Padua.
The CENSIS ranking also recognises the impressive efforts made to 2 internationalisation: some 7,500 students are enrolled from abroad, numbers that have risen sharply over the last three years.
In the academic year 2024-2025 we will be offering 207 courses of study and of these 60 will be entirely in English.
At the same time, it gives me great pleasure to see our commitment to the right to study and to the well-being of the academic community attested: it is no coincidence that we are one of the universities with the highest no-tax area in Italy (30,000 euro), we invest tens of thousands of euro for the right to study, and we excel in services, among which, I will mention one for all, the valuable psychological assistance.’
Listen to the video statement by Rector Daniela Mapelli: