Italy on a path of unsustainable development: data from the new ASviS 2024 Report now available online confirm this
On 17 October 2024, the new ASviS 2024 Report ‘Cultivating our Future Now’ was presented during the annual event held at the Roman Aquarium. Resulting from the work of a large number of experts from more than 320 Alliance members, the Report offers a comprehensive analysis on the state of progress of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda at national and European level.
The scenario described by the document, however, outlines a ‘dramatic lag’ of our country on all the Goals. Between 2010 and 2023, in fact, there are deteriorations for five Goals: poverty, inequality, quality of the earth’s ecosystems, governance and partnership. Very small improvements for six Goals: food, clean energy, jobs and economic growth, sustainable cities, combating climate change and quality of marine ecosystems. More substantial improvements for five Goals: health, education, gender equality, water and sanitation and innovation, while the only very substantial improvement concerns the circular economy. Looking instead at the territorial inequalities, there is a reduction for only one Goal (governance), an increase for two (education and water and sanitation) and substantial stability for the remaining twelve for which territorial data are available, in total contradiction with the key principle of the 2030 Agenda of ‘leaving no one behind’.
The ASVIS Report also devotes a chapter to an analysis of EU policies and the performance of European indicators for the 2030 Agenda, which shows that progress has been made on most of the Sustainable Development Goals since 2010, although it appears insufficient to hope to achieve the 2030 Agenda Targets by the end of this decade. Based on the data published by Eurostat we see that, compared to 2010 values, in 2022 there is a very substantial growth only in the case of gender equality,significant increases for clean energy, jobs and economic growth, and innovation, moderately positive dynamics for ten Goals, and worsening for the quality of terrestrial ecosystems and partnership. Overall, Italy‘s performance is below the average of Member States. Tra quelli che vanno molto male istruzione, lavoro, povertà e riduzione delle disuguaglianze. Mentre va molto bene l’economia circolare, fiore all’occhiello del nostro Paese.
‘For those who are serious about sustainable development, the current state of the world is no surprise,’ commented Enrico Giovannini, scientific director of ASviS. The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella has also reiterated on several occasions that the 2030 Agenda ‘is not a bureaucratic exercise for dreamers’ and that ‘for too long we have inadequately addressed the issue of environmental protection and climate change’. But despite the appeals of the Head of State and the signing of the Pact on the Future, in which the world’s leaders (including Italy) undertook to identify 56 actions to be implemented over the next few years to avoid plunging into devastating crises, the 2030 Agenda is not enjoying good health in our country, and the data prove it. In this regard, the forecasts made by ASVIS, on the basis of Eurostat methodology, this year (for the first time) made use of the collaboration of the consulting firm Prometeia, for indicators and forecasts to 2030.. Altra novità di questa edizione riguarda l’elaborazione di Another new feature of this edition is the elaboration of infographics of the Report, produced by the editorial studio Withub.
It will also be possible to view all the key contents of the paper through a dedicated page on the website, with interactive infographics, easy-to-disseminate cards to narrate the data, the possibility to explore each Objective, and much more.
To read the full version of the document click here: ASviS Report 2024 ‘Cultivating our future now’.