Environmental Civil Service with the University of Padua
The University of Padua is the leader of the programme ‘SCA – Civil Service and the Environment: Together for Wellness and Sustainability’ implemented in cooperation with the Consorzio Veneto Insieme of Confcooperative – Confederazione delle Cooperative Italiane and the Fondazione di Partecipazione San Gaetano Onlus.
The aim of the Universal Environmental Civil Service – SCA is to prepare young people to face the challenges of the green revolution and ecological transition by innovating and enhancing what has already been implemented as part of the Civil Service activities in the fields of environmental heritage protection and environmental education.
There are four projects from which you can choose and apply:
- Nature between saying and doing by the University of Padua
- RIZOMI – Ecosystems of Social Innovation by Confcooperative – Confederation of Italian Cooperatives,
- Roots: a therapeutic project for the most fragile people by the San Gaetano Onlus Participation Foundation
- KilometroZero: the fruits of a long work by the San Gaetano Onlus Participation Foundation.
With the project ‘Nature between saying and doing’, specifically, the University will involve 4 volunteer workers to convey to other young people the real opportunities offered by the study of the natural environment and to encourage a sustainable approach to the challenges of the climate crisis and related hydro-geological risks. Il progetto sarà realizzato presso il TESAF Department based in Legnaro.
The deadline for submitting applications is 2 p.m. on Thursday, 26 September 2024.
Information meetings are also planned for Wednesday, 11 September and Monday, 23 September 2024, during which the 4 projects of the institutions involved will be presented.
For more information, please visit the dedicated page.