Educhef 2024: the nutrition education course for Unipd staff starts again
Monday 14 October 2024 saw the start of the fourth edition of ‘Educhef’ for Unipd staff, the food education course organised by the Public Engagement Office – Communication and Marketing Area, in collaboration with Confcommercio Ascom Padua, Fairtrade Italia and Molino Rossetto SpA and aimed at all teaching and research staff, managers and technical-administrative staff in service at the University of Padua.
12 hands-on meetings in the Confcommercio Ascom kitchen workshops in Padua, where participants will learn tasty and easy recipes for preparing appetisers-finger food, first courses, second courses and desserts under the guidance of qualified chefs. During the meetings there will also be training sessions by Fairtrade on conscious product purchasing, sustainable supply chains and label reading.
Two more training meetings will be held on the zoom platform on 17
October (Nutrition and Health) and 12 November (The Right Temperatures for Healthy Food).
The EDUCHEF project stands out for its focus on sustainability, offering recipes that are economical, waste-conscious, reuse waste and have a low environmental impact.
This initiative is part of the broader context of the University’s policies, launched in 2016, aimed at promoting well-being and education on sustainability issues in all its forms.
For more information visit the dedicated website page: Educhef for Unipd staff