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The Sustainable UniPadova network


In July 2015, The Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI) sponsored the creation of The Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS) to coordinate a system of Italian universities aimed at sharing best practices related to sustainability. In 2016, the University of Padua joined RUS and began actively participating with its delegates within each working group. The University of Padua coordinates the Inclusion and Social Justice Working Group. Through RUS, the University has embedded itself into a network of other important bodies, including the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS).


In November 2018, The University of Padua, along with six other European universities from Granada, Bergen, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon and Vilnius began working together as the Arqus European University Alliance. Arqus is one of the 17 thematic consortia selected by the European Commission under the European program “European Universities”. The aim is to build an inclusive, multilingual European academic environment that promotes innovative teaching and learning methods in response to research, education and awareness across the global challenges posed by the 2030 Agenda Goals. Within the Alliance, the University coordinates the ‘Widening Access, Inclusion and Diversity’ action line.


In March 2021, the University joined the Green Nudges programme launched by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The aim of the program is to support by offering a gentle ‘nudge’ to universities in promoting sustainable behaviour among students and staff.
UNEP is the global authority that sets the environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.
Based on behavioural economics, the programme consists of the dissemination of easily replicable actions to all universities. Green Nudges offers a guide of sustainable practices for students and staff to reduce their campus’ environmental impact through behavioural change.

Other networking groups/associations

The University updates their complete list of associations, networks and other partnerships in the annual Sustainability Report.