The “Sustainable UniPadova” Project
The University of Padua has created and promoted the “Sustainable UniPadova”project, as a container and catalyst for initiatives aimed at sustainability.
“Sustainable UniPadova” Project aims, on the one hand, to coordinate and give visibility to all the actions organized by the University on the subject of sustainability, involving the entire university community, from students and staff to the governing bodies; on the other hand, it promotes and supports the launch of new initiatives, the development and implementation of good practices, their transfer and dissemination within the university community and outside, on the territory.
Vision and Mission
It is precisely in accordance with its own tradition, which dates back to 1222 and is summarized in the motto “Universa Universis Patavina Libertas”, that the University “promotes the development of a culture based on universal values such as human rights, peace, environmental protection and international solidarity “(art. 2 of the Statute).
In line with this vision, it reaffirms its central role as a public body and promoter of sustainable development in its three main areas: economic growth, inclusion and gender equality, environmental protection.
This commitment, with the contribution of the various components of the university community, is expressed in the areas in which the University carries out its teaching, research and third mission functions.
“The Universities for Sustainability” Manifesto
With the “Sustainable UniPadova” project , the University of Padua contributes to promoting the role of universities as agents of social and economic transformation in the national and international context, in line with the Universities for Sustainability Manifesto, drawn up at the end of the 2019 CRUI Magnificent Meetings.
ANVUR awards the UniPadova Sustainable project
As part of the Research Quality Assessment (VQR) 2015-2019, ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca) invited universities to submit a limited number of case studies related to Third Mission activities.
Within this framework, the ‘UniPadova Sostenibile’ project was assessed as ‘excellent and extremely relevant’, so much so as to be
proposed by ANVUR as a reference model for other universities with the following motivation: ‘The governance of the UniPadova Sostenibile project is highly innovative, effective, and proves to be a best practice at national level’.