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Accessibility is the ability of websites to provide information and services effectively and to the satisfaction of all people, without discrimination.

The accessibility of websites is regulated in Italy by Law 4/2004: this law, entitled “Disposizioni per favorire e semplifare l’accesso degli utenti e, in particolare, delle persone con disabilità agli strumenti informatici” -Provisions to facilitate and simplify the access of users and, in particular, of people with disabilities to computer tools – applies to the public administration, but is also a model for private individuals. The Law defines a series of requirements to be met and procedures to verify the accessibility of a website: these checks are conducted by Accessibility Assessors certified by CNIPA/DigitPA.

In spite of the attention paid in the realization of the site and the numerous tests conducted, it is not possible to affirm with certainty that all the pages are completely accessible to every category of users.

In this case we apologize from now and we ask you in order to allow us to remove it as soon as possible, to report any irregularity or difficulty encountered by sending an email to